Please keep in mind that AuctionSaga is not related to any other entities such as used vehicle directories, auction houses or dealers.

General questions

What is AuctionSaga?

AuctionSaga collects and stores information about Copart and Iaai salvage vehicles auctions crawled around the web. We collect all vehicles, bids and photos and you are able to see how many times the vehicle was sold and what kind of damage the car had.

Do I need to register to access your website information?

If you are browsing our website for your private usage - no registration is needed. Later we are planning to set a registration option for those who would like to have access to our information through API.

What are your sources of information?

Information is collected from different sources including Copart and Iaai auction sales websites. All information collected is freely available on the web.

I can’t find the vehicle I need by the VIN, what should I do?

Try our search option for make/model/year, also try to find by the lot number of the vehicle
Still have questions? Please contact us, we’ll be happy to assist you.